Monday, April 21, 2008

Still Life Photography

Check out the following sites:

Basic Principles of Still Life Photography:
Throughout the decades, artists have depicted still life scenes—arrangements of inanimate objects—in paintings and photography. Shooting still life subjects is one of the best ways to sharpen your photographic skills. You can take your time, and your subject remains stationary.

Good composition, framing and lighting are all very important to translate your still life into a great photo. Every day we are bombarded with still life images of appetizing foods, shiny housewares and other appealing products in magazine ads, brochures and catalogs. Professionals spend a great deal of time setting up these shots and you can learn a lot just by studying the photos you find most appealing and unique.

Notice how photographers use repeating shapes and lines to create patterns and use complimentary colors. Study the lighting that they use. Simplicity is very important when composing still lifes. You don’t need to collect a wide range of complicated objects to create an interesting picture. Instead, choose a few objects with a common thread.

The arrangement of a still life should begin with the positioning of a single dominant subject. Then add other objects one at a time, and examine the arrangement through your camera’s viewfinder. Experiment with your camera angle until the scene shows the elements in the most pleasing balance. Photograph the original grouping, and then rearrange or remove objects to see if it improves the composition.

Your next project will involve setting up a still life of specific objects and photographing it. To help prepare you, read the previously mentioned articles and find 6 still life photographs from the Internet that you particularly like. These photos should include only inanimate objects. Paste the 6 photos to a one-page word document (two columns) and write a short paragraph about each. Tell what techniques the photographer used that appeal to you. This will be due at the end of class Friday, April 25th. Turn in a hard copy, and leave a copy in the completed assignments folder.

Over the weekend, take still life photographs of FOOD AND/OR BEVERAGES. Experiment with the arrangement and lighting. Take some photos with flash and some without. Be creative! Think about the elements of composition we have just studied.

Be prepared to work with your food photos Monday, April 28th. A contact sheet of 12 will be due at this time. If you do not have your photos Monday, you will be writing a paper on still life photography while the rest of us work in PhotoShop. The 6 edited and best 5x7 are due at the end of class. The alternative assignment, a 3-page paper on Photographic Still Life, is due then as well. We will move on to the next topic Tuesday. Unless you are absent Monday, you are expected to have this project completed that day.