Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Just to help you stay on target, here are the things you should have turned in for this grading period as of Tuesday, April 22nd:

*8x10 Montage of at least 6 OBX shots
*Macro (contact sheet of 12, 6 edited, 1 best 5x7 JPEG)
*Research Paper on composition (explanation and sample photo on specific topics you were given)
*"Theories" photo shoot (contact sheet of 12 labeled shots, 6 on word doc. with explanation)
*Backlit Project (6 you like from Internet on word doc., 12 on contact sheet with and without flash, 6 edited, best pair side-by-side)
*for tomorrow, Collage using elements of at least three photos
*for tomorrow, Backlit Landscape (contact sheet of 12, 6 edited, 1 best 5x7 JPEG)

As I have told you several times, this is a class where NHIs will really hurt since projects make up 60% of your grade. If you have not turned in any of the above, PLEASE get them in to the late folder!