Thursday, November 29, 2007


Beginning Monday, December 3rd, with the Action Project, all completed work will be submitted to the "1AAA COMPLETED ASSIGNMENTS" folder that is within your own folder on the 'N' drive. Do NOT change the title of this folder---It is the ONLY place I will look for your projects to grade. Do NOT clutter this folder up with other things except work that is finished and ready for grading. You will continue to use your identification number, but you will no longer use the shared folder. In addition, you will have seven days ONLY to turn in a project late. After that, it is NHI (zero)--no exceptions! I will accept late work for this grading period until December 3rd as a help to some of you who would otherwise have several NHIs (and a failing grade) on your interims. As you know, PhotoShop automatically records the date and time that any photo is saved, so there will be no question as to whether a project was submitted on time. I hope this system will work better for those of you who are having difficulty in this class.