This week we will be working on the Black and White Project and the 'Theories of Composition' Photo Shoot Project. For the B&W Student Choice, a contact sheet of 12 new, UNIQUE photos is due today (Monday). These can be straight out of the camera. You do not have to make them black and white before creating the contact sheet. Edit a minimum of six photos. Crop for the best shot. Make them black and white either by desaturating or using the grayscale mode. Adjust levels and brightness/contrast. This is the most important feature in black and white photography. Correct any obvious mistakes. Once you have six photos as perfect as you can make them, create a contact sheet. Don't forget to change the numbers so that the photos take up the whole page. Turn in the contact sheet of six edited photos, and the best 5x7 JPEG. You should also experiment with duotone. Turn in your best duotone. You'll need to copy and paste to a new canvas in order to make it a JPEG. So....for the B&W project you are turning in 4 pieces---contact sheet of 12 straight out of camera, contact sheet of 6 edited, best b&w 5x7 JPEG, best duotone 5x7 JPEG. You should have these in the completed assignment folder by Thursday.
Your 'Theories of Composition' photo shoot project will be due Thursday as well. This consists of 12 labeled photos on a contact sheet (should have been turned in today) and a word document of the six that best illustrate the techniques. You should write a paragraph about each of the six describing how the photo illustrates the theories of good compostion, or of what NOT to do. Please refer to the handout (also listed here on the web site) for additional details. Print out your word doc and turn in the hard copy as well as electronic.
Your test on composition will be Friday. You should be very well prepared by now!