Friday, January 25, 2008


First Flight High School
Photography I
Lisa Finch, Instructor 449-7000 ext.2459

Course Description: This course is designed to acquaint students with general digital photography. It will explore history, applications, and techniques of photography. Students will be required to do research, use basic skills, and show knowledge of photography by creating and manipulating black and white and color images.

Requirements: Students must have their own digital or traditional still camera. While a digital camera is not required, students using a 35mm assume responsibility for converting their negatives to digital media and meeting all assignment deadlines. They must also supply their own film, processing, and cdr’s. Students with digital cameras must have their own USB cable and an ample supply of batteries. They may also wish to have a card reader or photographic paper, but these items are optional. Assignments will be created and submitted electronically. Printing will be limited to a few special assignments.

Specific Competencies: Students will learn to shoot and prepare images for digital reproduction. Students will do independent research in a chosen area of photography. Students will demonstrate basic competency in composition and photographic preparation. Students will be able to identify and use 35mm SLR and digital cameras. Students will learn to design various graphics for digital imaging.

Course Evaluation: Grades will be determined using the following criteria:

Tests/Quizzes: Tests will be given at regular intervals. Content will be reviewed before each test. Open note quizzes will be given to assess students’ understanding of reading assignments and class discussions. Quizzes are unannounced and can not be made up. Students are encouraged to be prepared by bringing all notes and handouts to class each day, along with pencil and paper.

Participation: History, background information, and art criticism will be addressed each week through various discussions and assignments. Students are expected to actively participate in discussions and make good use of class time while completing assignments. Daily participation grades will be assigned based upon these criteria. Up to 20 points per day are earned if student uses his/her class time wisely.

Deadlines: In order to complete lessons, assignments, and projects, students are required to take photographs outside of class, off campus. Generally, that will be the only homework assignment. It is essential that students are prepared. When due dates are met student will receive 100% for deadline grade. This applies to both projects and homework photos. If a deadline is not met, student receives a zero. When a project is not turned in on time, student will be given a period of one week to submit it with a letter grade deduction. After that, the project is an F. In any case, the deadline grade of zero will stand. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with deadline dates, which will always be posted on the class web page.

Projects: The bulk of the grade for this class will be for photographic projects. Students will be assessed on creativity, technical skill, and effort. There will also be at least one research project which will include an oral presentation. Digital sketchbooks will be maintained by students, which will include a variety of still images on assigned subject matter. A final portfolio presentation will be assembled from students’ copies of photographs from the various projects. Student is responsible for keeping a copy of all work. It is suggested that students have a USB flash drive for safe storage of photographs.
The standard grading scale will be used:
A=93-100, B=85-92, C=77-84, D=70-76, F=0-69