Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Research Project

Today you will draw names of famous photographers for your research project. I will give you at least three class periods (4.5 hours) to research your topic and create a biographical PowerPoint presentation, which will be presented to the class. This will be your first BIG project grade---and should be an good opportunity for an 'A' if you work hard. You'll develop your information using a specific page for notes and resources, and a story board. All elements must be turned in for your grade. We will begin presentations next Monday, February 4th. Here are your instructions:
History of Photography Research Project
· Select photographer and research using books and Internet (no Wikipedia)
· Every student must select a different photographer
· Research and take notes; Use the handout to record quotes and sources
· You should cover the following information:
o Birth and death
o When and where he/she worked
o What type of photography
o What was interesting or unique about the work
o Personal information
o Training, if any
o Importance to the field of photography
· Include one or two photos of your photographer
· Include a minimum of six photographs typical of the photographer’s work
· Use the storyboards provided in class as a written guide to develop your PowerPoint presentation
· Storyboards must be approved before beginning PowerPoint
· There must be a minimum of ten slides (not including Title Page and Bibliography)
· Quotes used in your presentation must be attributed to the source
· The Title Page should give the photographer’s name, your name, the class, and the date
· A Bibliography slide must go at the end of the presentation—Tell where you got your information and photographs!
· Write captions about each of your photographer’s photos giving a brief description and any historical significance
· Proofread your presentation! Spelling counts!
· Save as.. using your class number and “Photographer Research Project”
· Print a handout—points off if not printed according to these instructions:
Go to print>handout>6 per page
· Turn in handout, storyboard, research notes, and grading sheet (with your name and class number) as you present to the class
· Give an oral presentation with your PowerPoint
· Make sure you are familiar enough with the life of your photographer that you can answer questions from the class
· Pay attention and take notes as others present! You will need to know about all these photographers for the History of Photography Test!