Monday, January 14, 2008

Study for Exams

Please use the following information to prepare for the final exam!

Here are some things you should go over:
Know about the photographer you presented to the class.
Know about at least one other photographer we studied (from reading, films, or other presentations).
Know the basics about 35mm photography.
Know how to get the proper exposure.
Know about action photography and how to get blurred action and stopped action shots.
Know about composition. Read over your research paper on the topic!
Know when and when NOT to use the 'automatic' setting on your camera.
Read over our early worksheets and hand-outs.
Know PhotoShop! Know where to find all the tools. Go over the PhotoShop handouts if you are unsure. Be able to straighten horizons, fix red-eye, improve focus problems, do simple facial retouching (erase pimples, whiten teeth, replace color in eyes, etc.), use text features, use filters, remove color casts, create frames.
Understand terms like Bits, Bytes, Pixels, dpi, ppi, Histogram, Hue/Saturation, Noise, Resolution, RGB, JPEG, Exposure, F-Stop, Aperture, Point-of-View, Composition, Shutter Speed, Exposure, Dodge, Burn, Redeye, etc.