Friday, January 25, 2008

Parent Letter (copy of the letter you signed)

Dear Parent:
I would like to welcome you and your child to our class. Photography can be a rewarding hobby or career. However, your child should not dismiss this as an easy course. I have high expectations for my students, and they should be prepared to work as hard here as they do in any other academic classroom. Students will be assigned many projects. They will develop a creative eye for taking a good photograph, and will learn artistic editing with PhotoShop software. Projects will be graded on creativity, technical skill, and the degree of effort put forth. Students will also be required to prepare at least one research paper, as well as a final portfolio.

Your child will need a suitable camera for creating good images in this class. Entry level or mid-range cameras will be fine. The recommended digital camera for this class will have at least a 3-4 mega pixel image and 3x optical zoom. Cameras of a lesser quality may not give the desired results, resulting in frustration for your child.

Students will be responsible for all assignments regardless of any difficulties they may encounter with their cameras. If necessary, disposable cameras can be purchased for short-term use so as not to get behind on projects. Film can then be developed and pictures put on cd, before bringing to school to edit.

Students should bring their camera each day to class, unless otherwise advised. They should also bring their own cable for direct camera-to-computer connection and/or a memory card reader. Every effort will be made to protect cameras brought to school; however, we can not be responsible for theft or damage to cameras during school hours. Since students will each have a different model camera, they should read over their individual User Manuals and be familiar with the basic operation of their own camera prior to class.

Because of the expense of printing, most assignments will be turned in digitally and graded in the same manner. Students may be allowed to print certain special projects, but they are responsible for providing their own photographic printer paper. It is suggested that students also have a USB flash drive for safe storage of their work. Students should retain copies of all projects to be used in their final portfolio.

As a rule, the only homework students will be assigned will be taking pictures. They will have several days notice before a due date. They are required to take pictures after school and on weekends, off campus. I am asking that you help your child get assignments done on time. By keeping on schedule, I can better monitor student progress, and submission of last-minute, poorer quality work can be avoided. The only acceptable excuse for photos being late is if a student has an excused absence on the due date, in which case the assignment is due immediately upon student’s return to school. If a picture-taking assignment is turned in late for any other reason, the student will receive a zero for the deadline grade. Late projects will lose one letter grade, and will only be accepted up to one week following the original deadline. I have created a class web site where deadlines will be posted: You may also reach this site by following the Fine Arts link from the FFHS main page. Please check the site regularly for important information.

I sometimes post students’ project grades on the web site as well, identifiable only by ID numbers—not names. I believe this practice is motivational for the students, and gives parents some insight as to their child’s progress prior to interims. With your permission, I will include your child’s grades.

It is occasionally advantageous for the class to leave campus to take pictures during our class period, with my supervision. I’d also like your permission for your child to join us on these short field trips, within walking distance of the school, whenever necessary.

Finally, your child will be asked to sign the FFHS honor pledge that all photographs submitted for a grade will have been taken by the student during the time he/she is enrolled in this photography class. If a student violates this rule, he/she will receive a zero for the assignment and will be referred to Administration. Student projects become the property of First Flight High School, and we reserve the right to publish or display them.

By signing and returning this page, you are acknowledging receipt of this parent letter and giving permission as outlined herein.

If you have any questions or concerns at all, please feel free to telephone me at FFHS (449-7000 ext.2459) or email me at I look forward to an exciting school year in Basic Photography class!


Lisa Finch